The First Amendment to our Constitution guarantees the right to free speech by all American citizens. It can arguably be the most revered and important of the 27 Amendments. However, it has consequences, as free speech is NOT always “FREE”.  Yelling “FIRE” in a crowded theater is not forbidden, but certainly will cost you dearly with fines and possible confinement in jail. Unbridled comments regarding controversial issues are not prohibited but, if not mindfully measured, can be costly to one’s character and social status. This gives credence to the Irish Proverb:   “Everyone is wise until he speaks.”

Contrarily for those who have the gift of gab and a command of the vocabulary, this adage is null and void as the proper words effortlessly glide from brain, to tongue to lips. But for most of us, including me, this process can be not only be challenging but frustrating. Even so, one should never be discouraged or inhibited from speaking their mind but do so with careful consideration. Making the complex comprehensible is not just about reading or speaking words. Critical communication demands the following: 

It’s not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it.  This saying also applies to many other aspects of life.

For Example:

  • It’s not WHAT you cherish, but HOW you cherish it.
  • It’s not WHAT sport you play, but HOW you play it.
  • It’s not WHAT you see and hear, but HOW you see and hear it. It’s not WHAT you feel, but HOW you feel it.
  • It’s not WHAT you earn, but HOW you earn it.

You get the idea. In other words, think before you speak or act which also gives credence another proverb, this one from the French:  “The less one THINKS, the more one SPEAKS mindlessly and ACTS needlessly.”